Everything you need to know about the maintenance of your VMC

maintenance of your VMC

To optimize the performance as well as the lifespan of yourVMC (Controlled Mechanical Ventilation), it is important to carry out maintenance on it periodically: regular maintenance to be carried out yourself and complete maintenance to be carried out by a professional.

Why do you need to maintain your VMC?

Controlled mechanical ventilation, commonly called VMC, allows you to ventilate your home: itevacuates stale air from the dwelling. For this, the VMC uses extraction vents which ensure this evacuation. The VMC gas evacuates, in addition to the stale air, the combustion products of a boiler or a gas water heater, via extraction vents which ensure the excess flow to be extracted when the boiler is in operation. . For this type of configuration, thegas ventilation standardsalso indicate the need for an air supply.

As the evacuations progress, particles accumulate in the extraction vents, the extractor and the motor become loaded with dust, which causes a loss of efficiency, a lack of hygiene as well as aging. your ventilation system prematurely.

It is therefore essential to maintain your VMC, especially since poor maintenance leads to health risks with the appearance of moisture mold in your home, but also fire risks due to overheating of your equipment or the risk of poisoning linked to poor evacuation of combustion products.

How to maintain your VMC?

Regular maintenance: do it yourself

It is advisable to carry out routine maintenance of your VMC every quarter. The first step is the cleaning of the extraction vents. To do this, they must be dismantled, cleaned in hot water with washing-up liquid and rinsed before reinstalling them. Then the air inlets should be dusted with a vacuum cleaner or washed regularly. Note: the fixed parts of the humidity sensitive air inlets must not be wet to maintain their effectiveness.

Once a year, the filters of the exchanger of a double flow VMC must be cleaned and possibly replaced if they are too worn.

Finally, for battery-operated devices, the batteries should be replaced approximately every two years.

Complete maintenance: call a professional

Beyond the routine maintenance that you perform yourself, it is also important to hire a professional for the complete maintenance of your VMC every 3 years on average. He will carry out a complete overhaul of your equipment as well as cleaning, maintaining the ducts and the central box, and finally checking the fresh air inlets, draft parts and depression.

Good to know : This maintenance carried out by a professional is compulsory for VMC gas , according to the decree of April 25, 1985 relating to the verification and maintenance of VMC gas installations. VMC double flows as for them must be maintained by a professional twice a year.

Maintaining your VMC on a regular basis guarantees the performance of your installation over time, but also energy savings as well as healthier and more secure housing.

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